
International tournament U13 – Cup of Savinja Valley

Internationales Jugendturnier am 18. April in Slowenien für Teams der Altersklasse U13.

On Saturday 18.4.2020, there will be 6th traditional international U13 tournament for boys and girls (2007 and younger).


Organized by volleyball clubs SIP Šempeter




  • Boys U13 (2007 and younger)
  • Girls U13 (2007 and younger)


Time and place:


  • Saturday, 18. April 2020
  • Sports hall Šempeter v Savinjski dolini, Sports hall Prebold, Sports hall Braslovče, Sports hall Griže and Sports hall Žalec



  • We will play by the official rules of Volleyball Federation of Slovenia - MALA ODBOJKA    (See attachment)


Tournament system:


  • Competition will be played in groups.
  • Each game will be played until one team wins 2 sets, each until 25. In case of 1:1, 3rd set will be played until 15
  • We will organize referees.
  • Height of the net will be 210 cm for both boys and girls.
  • We will be playing on 10 different courts.
  • There will be minimum 8 teams and maximum 32 teams in for each category.




  • Start of tournament: 8:30 – groups stage.
  • Lunch will be possible from 12:00 – 15:00 (dining doom in Šempeter).

Announcement of winners and best players 19:00


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